
The Ricky Gervais Show

I just love this show. It's on HBO, which we actually no longer get, but I have a bunch of them DVRed and will never, ever delete them because they are hilarious. They originated from a series of podcasts by Ricky Gervais, Steven Merchant -- his co-writer of the Office -- and their friend Karl Pilkington. They animated the podcast talks and made it into a TV show.

There's no plot or anything, it's just random conversations with funny cartoon graphics of really funny but sometimes profane chatter. Ricky and Steven basically just make fun of Karl and his crazy ideas about the world, like that all of the inventions that are worth inventing have already been invented. And that Dyson, the vacuum guy, is right up there with Einstein and Newton on the list of history's great minds. And that ants don't really do anything, they just carry things around. There also use great British-type words like "telly" and "advert" and "glacier" but pronounced like "glass-i-er." Like a funny, cartoon Bear Grylls. :) Anyway, consider the podcasts and TV show endorsed. They make me laugh like nothing else.

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